I’m a lucky girl

While I sit at my desk and work, I get to look up at pictures of my beautiful, amazing kids – and I don’t know how I got to be so lucky.  How are these possibly MY babies?  Not too long ago I was looking up at motivational pictures and phrases, begging me to hang on, not to give up my dream.  At home, in the middle of the chaos, and the diapers, and the tantrums, its easy to forgot to really stop and notice just how beautiful and amazing they are, and how lucky I am.

A photo is a snap shot in time, with out the pressures of living, and sometimes that’s what I need to remind me.  Our life hasn’t been easy, and I don’t expect it to ever be, that just seems to be who we are – and that is something beautiful in that imperfection – And when I have these nuggets to love on, how can I not feel anything less than the luckiest girl in the world.


9 more days

In 9 days my nuggets will be 1?! How is that even possible?  The last year has been one of the most challenging and most rewarding of my life.  Every day I look at these precious little humans and wonder how they could possibly be mine.  How can I possibly deserve to be their momma?  How can I be the momma they deserve.

Everyday they are more interactive and fun.  At times I miss the newborn tininess, but watching them learn and do new things is so much better.

Harper is in PT for developmental delays.  Her therapist has diagnosed her with low muscle tone-so we are working on building her strength and helping to get her to where she needs to be.  The worry wart in me is concerned that there is more going on than just a muscle tone issue-but we will just have to wait and see-its too early to tell.

Next weekend is their birthday party – I’m trying to strike a balance between doing it up and having it be special and remembering that they are 1 – and have no clue what is going on!



